Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Virtual Art of Conferences


What kind of writer, author, expert or content creator are you?

If you have any questions about leveraging and accessing the power of Hollywood, publishing and publicity, let me know at:

Mahesh Grossman from AuthorsTeam is hosting a preview call for the next Your Signature Story Intensive tomorrow, Thursday, May 29th at 5PM Pacific, 7PM Central, 8PM Pacific.

My next question for you is -- Are you planning on checking out BEA (Book Expo America) this weekend?

Even if you're not in Los Angeles or it's just not a priority for your right now...

This weekend lots of movers and shakers in Hollywood and publishing are decending on the Convention Center in Downtown LA for the annual Book Expo America. We'll be there so I'll be sure to write up some thoughts to share with you next week as a post-event follow-up.
If you are a content creator you owe it to yourself to check it out!!!

It's true -- there are lots of ways to access information and people from whereever you are on the planet, regardless of your current mindset, relationships or circumstances.

For example check out:

You'll not only learn about hot topics in Hollywood, publishing and publicity you'll learn about the key industry players, producers, and reps just by reading the program.

And you can do this for the Santa Barbara Writers Conference, Willamette Writers Conference, San Franscisco Writers Conference, Maui Writers Conference, Southern California Writers Conference, San Diego Writers Conference, LATV Fest, Screenwriting Expo, Screenwriting Conference at Santa Fe, and many others.

Look for the names and companies and then spend some time doing your homework online. Google them, go to their websites, read interviews, learn about their projects, clients, or companies.

As a content creator, I promise you this is time well spent.

Soon enough you'll know who you are most passionate about connecting with and I've got lots of tips and tricks for getting to them at the right time in the right way.

Hope you find it helpful.

Please let me know what you find...

And I hope you'll join me for tomorrow's call with Mahesh Grossman from

To your success,


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