Friday, October 24, 2008

Hear, there and everywhere...

For those of you in a listening mood:

Pilar Allesandra of OnthePage interviews my colleague Brad Kushner here at Creative Convergence was about our work with clients as literary managers.

Chris Soth of Million Dollar Screnwriting interviews me on Hollywood by Phone.

Andy Coon of Final Cut Producer and fellow Montclair High School alumni interviews me.

Also you can sign up for my upcoming course preview calls for Your Signature Story: From Content Creator to Media Brand and Million Dollar Screenwriting & Content Career at

Monday, October 23rd at 5:30PM Pacific / Live Worldwide
Wednesday, November 5th at 5:30PM Pacific / Live Worldwide.

Plus...If you have any questions about PR, join Jill Lublin, PR guru and co-author of
Guerilla PR on a call that we're producing with the San Francisco Writers Conference
on Thursday, October 30th at 5:30PM Pacific / Live Worldwide.
Register for this free call at

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