Sunday, October 26, 2008
Join me for Million Dollar Screenwriting & Content Career
Just a quick reminder about this Monday evening's preview call for Million Dollar Screenwriting & Content Career. It's at 5:30PM Pacific (Live Worldwide).
Do you know what makes Hollywood producers, execs and representatives tick, and what ticks them off? Do you have a strategy for successfully navigating Hollywood?
If you're ready to take your screenwriting career to the next level -- you won't want to miss this course. It focuses on the fundamentals of marketing, team building, and career strategy for making it in today's studio system.
You are invited to join the first lecture of Million Dollar Screenwriting & Content Career...Why? because I want you to have this information. I don't want you to have representatives and producers ignore you until you figure it out, which is sadly a reality of the business. This course is an opportunity to get on the inside track, get a good overview of the industry, its decision making power, and get the answers you need to move ahead powerfully.
This first lecture is on the The Hollywood Career Diamond
* The Career Diamond a way to make your screenwriting career rock solid. Used as the base of a pyramid it is a foolproof way to reach your pinnacle of success. The process is half "art" and half "business". It is also part "philosophy" and part "action." The four sides of the Career Diamond give you the magic formula for creating SUCCESS. Learn this and never wonder what you need to being doing next to keep moving forward.
* See the importance of concept and execution, both in your scripts, and in your life! * Understand business models - the economics and politics you need to go through the proper channels and get PAID!
* How networking & marketing can be made easy for introverts.
* See the process unfold before your eyes with these simple and achievable FOUR BASIC STEPS! This alone will change your selling approach!
Monday, October 27th at 5:30PM Pacific (Live Worldwide)
You are invited to join me to get a sneak peek at the course.
This first call is free - outside of your cell phone or long distance minutes.
Dial In: 712-432-3900
Bridge: 4489499#
Be sure to sign up for the preview call at
if you'd like to get a copy of the handout and the Mp3. And if you are interested
in learning more about the upcoming Your Signature Story: From Content Creator to Media Brand check out
To your success,
Friday, October 24, 2008
Hear, there and everywhere...
Pilar Allesandra of OnthePage interviews my colleague Brad Kushner here at Creative Convergence was about our work with clients as literary managers.
Chris Soth of Million Dollar Screnwriting interviews me on Hollywood by Phone.
Andy Coon of Final Cut Producer and fellow Montclair High School alumni interviews me.
Also you can sign up for my upcoming course preview calls for Your Signature Story: From Content Creator to Media Brand and Million Dollar Screenwriting & Content Career at
Monday, October 23rd at 5:30PM Pacific / Live Worldwide
Wednesday, November 5th at 5:30PM Pacific / Live Worldwide.
Plus...If you have any questions about PR, join Jill Lublin, PR guru and co-author of
Guerilla PR on a call that we're producing with the San Francisco Writers Conference
on Thursday, October 30th at 5:30PM Pacific / Live Worldwide.
Register for this free call at
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Field Trip to Pixar
On one of my trips to San Francisco I met up with some of our Million Dollar Screenwriting & Content Career Alumni for a tour of Pixar Animation Studios in Emeryville.
The company's blockbuster credits including Wall-E, Ratatouille, Cars, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Monsters Inc., Toy S
Disney's Robert Iger is the CEO, Steve Jobs is the Chairman, and James Lasseter is the Chief Creative Officer. Since Disney came into the mix - they've significantly ramped up the production schedule. They are currently in production with Up! and Toy Story 3.
Below is a picture of me posing with Scully and Mike.
We visited the animator huts, the rendering farm, the screening rooms, and the facility's commons and ample recreation grounds. We also stopped by Story Department and saw how the ideas are brought from script to screen. Andrew Stanton, Director/Writer of Finding Nemo describes his inspiration for the movie in saying, "In 1998 after working on A Bug's Life I wanted to spend time with my son. We were on the way to the park when I thought to myself, finally, some father/son time". He spent the whole day telling his son, "No," "Don't do that," "Stop" and it really concerned him that he was being run by fear. He knew it wasn't the way he wanted to be with his son - and this idea of the overprotective dad ultimately went on to become Finding Nemo.
Finding Nemo's development process began in May 2000 when the first storyboard was delivered. By October the 10,000 storyboard had been delivered and in November of that year they had the first screening of the film in story form. By May 2001 the 20,000 storyboard was delivered and in September the first sequence went into Production. In February 2002 the 30,000 storyboard was delivered followed by the fourth screening in April and in July the 40,000 storyboard was delivered followed by the fifth screening. In October 2002 they were ready for their first audience preview with the final 43,536 storyboard delivered that same month. The finished film was released in theaters in May 2003.
Many thanks to the guys for making it a fantastic adventure for all.