I am huge fan of Steve Kaplan! He's definitely one of the best teachers and mentors if you are looking to improve your comedy game as a writer, actors, director, producer or executive. He's fantastic and I highly recommend his weekend intensive. He'll be in Chicago, Canada, LA & NY in Fall 2010 and Spring 2011, so make your plans to be there.
I also believe it's not only about what you'll learn -- and you stand to learn a lot, but also about the great relationships you can build. These events are great opportunities to connect with people who are at different stages in their creative and professional development who share a similar passion for storytelling.
Information below. And if you have more questions about it, I will be interviewing him this upcoming Tuesday, Nov 2 at 5:30PM PT / 7:30PM CT for www.ChicagoHollywood.com.
To your success,
Steve Kaplan's Comedy Intensive

We're Coming to Chicago!!
For the first time ever, we're taking the world-famous Comedy Intensive seminar to Chicago! Home of the famed Second City and the Chicago Cubs and now the Comedy Intensive--what could be funnier than that!?!
Friday & Saturday, November 6 & 7
Columbia College:
Ludington Building
1104 South Wabash Avenue
Room 502
Chicago, IL 60605
The Comedy Intensive is a two-day seminar that reveals the hidden tools and principles that help you understand comedy from the inside out: How do you write funny? How do you act funny? How do you direct funny? How do you be funny?
Click here to register:
Here's what Tracy Reilly,
winner of the Expo Screenwriting Contest for Best 1/2 Hour said about the Comedy Intensive:
"Steve's class keeps you entertained while teaching you tools that make writing comedy easier. The most useful part for me was learning how creating interesting character dynamics can set up comedy to flow naturally from those relationships. It feels more organic and less forced than struggling to just write joke after joke out of thin air. Even after the course, you'll keep seeing the techniques he talks about used in the best shows on TV. There are a lot of seminars out there that aren't worth your time. This one is."
Whether you're writing a comedy screenplay, working on a sitcom script, or producing or directing a comedy film or television series, Steve Kaplan has been the industry's most sought-after expert when it comes to comedy. From the industry's top stars (Jack Black Nathan Lane Michael Patrick King etc.) to first time comedy writers producers directors and performers, Steve Kaplan has worked with and developed the best.
Register at: http://www.chicagohollywood.com/Steve_Kaplan_Comedy.html
Alumni in the News!!
We also want to congratulate:
MICK CONNOLLY placed SECOND in Final Draft's BIG BREAK Contest
ERIN DONOVAN WON BRONZE in the 2010 PAGE awards!
Upcoming Events
Steve Kaplan's Comedy Intensive is The Industry's #1 Course on Comedy, attracting top writers, producers, directors and executives from such companies as Dreamworks, Disney, Aardman Animation, NBC, Touchstone, ABC and more.
Winnipeg Comedy Intensive - November 21-22
Los Angeles Comedy Intensive - December 4-5
New York Intensive - March 26-27 2011
"I wrote...my best, funniest sketches thanks, in no small part, to the lessons I learned from Steve Kaplan's comedy classes. Steve breaks the fine art of comedy down...that helps the unfunny become funny, and the funny become funnier." - David Fury
Emmy-Winning Writer/Producer for 24, Lost, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and more
"Great job! Everybody really loved your seminar! You've completely made a whole new group of friends here at DreamWorks." - John Tarnoff, VP at DreamWorks
"Steve Kaplan was a very important influence on me as a young performer and writer. Many of his techniques for analyzing a comedy scene I still use to this day. Although, I make sure I never give him credit."- Steve Skrovan, Writer/Producer for Everybody Loves Raymond
"Kaplan - the Stanislavski of Comedy!" - Backstage Magazine
"This is best comedy intensive workshop in the city. This is a must if you and are serious about comedy. I highly recommend it to any writer, actors, director, producer or executive." - Philippa Burgess, Entertainment Professional & Partner at Creative Convergence Inc.
Kaplan has worked with the writers of: Sex and the City, Everybody Loves Raymond, Big Love, King of Queens, Analyze This, The Comeback, Friends, Fun with Dick and Jane, 'Til Death, Saturday Night Live, The Daily Show and hundreds of others.
Steve Kaplan's Comedy Intensive
818 718-7570
Please visit Steve Kaplan's website for more information, details and to register on line (with secure registration). If you have any additional questions, or would like to register over the phone, please don't hesitate to call us at 818 718-7570. We can be e-mailed at skcomedy@aol.com